Loads the given file into an existing OpenAL buffer object.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureBufferDataFromFile( const ALchar * fname, ALuint buffer )
Loads a file image from memory into an existing OpenAL buffer object, similar to alureBufferDataFromFile.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureBufferDataFromMemory( const ALubyte * fdata, ALsizei length, ALuint buffer )
Buffers the given buffer objects with the next chunks of data from the stream.
ALURE_API ALsizei ALURE_APIENTRY alureBufferDataFromStream( alureStream * stream, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Loads the given file into a new OpenAL buffer object.
ALURE_API ALuint ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateBufferFromFile( const ALchar * fname )
Loads a file image from memory into a new OpenAL buffer object, similar to alureCreateBufferFromFile.
ALURE_API ALuint ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateBufferFromMemory( const ALubyte * fdata, ALsizei length )
Creates a stream using the specified callback to retrieve data.
ALURE_API alureStream* ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateStreamFromCallback( ALuint (*callback)(void *userdata, ALubyte *data, ALuint bytes), void * userdata, ALenum format, ALuint samplerate, ALsizei chunkLength, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Opens a file and sets it up for streaming.
ALURE_API alureStream* ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateStreamFromFile( const ALchar * fname, ALsizei chunkLength, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Opens a file image from memory and sets it up for streaming, similar to alureCreateStreamFromFile.
ALURE_API alureStream* ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateStreamFromMemory( const ALubyte * fdata, ALuint length, ALsizei chunkLength, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Identical to alureCreateStreamFromMemory, except the given memory is used directly and not duplicated.
ALURE_API alureStream* ALURE_APIENTRY alureCreateStreamFromStaticMemory( const ALubyte * fdata, ALuint length, ALsizei chunkLength, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Closes an opened stream.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureDestroyStream( alureStream * stream, ALsizei numBufs, ALuint * bufs )
Frees the device name array returned from alureGetDeviceNames.
ALURE_API ALvoid ALURE_APIENTRY alureFreeDeviceNames( const ALCchar ** names )
Gets an array of device name strings from OpenAL.
ALURE_API const ALCchar** ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetDeviceNames( ALCboolean all, ALCsizei * count )
Returns a string describing the last error encountered.
ALURE_API const ALchar* ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetErrorString( void )
Returns a pointer for the named ALURE function.
ALURE_API void* ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetProcAddress( const ALchar * funcname )
Retrieves an OpenAL format for the given sample format.
ALURE_API ALenum ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetSampleFormat( ALuint channels, ALuint bits, ALuint floatbits )
Retrieves the frequency used by the given stream.
ALURE_API ALsizei ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetStreamFrequency( alureStream * stream )
Retrieves an approximate number of samples for the stream.
ALURE_API alureInt64 ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetStreamLength( alureStream * stream )
Stores the major and minor version of the library.
ALURE_API void ALURE_APIENTRY alureGetVersion( ALuint * major, ALuint * minor )
Opens the named device, creates a context with the given attributes, and sets that context as current.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureInitDevice( const ALCchar * name, const ALCint * attribs )
Installs callbacks to enable ALURE to handle more file types.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureInstallDecodeCallbacks( ALint index, void * (*open_file)(const ALchar *filename), void * (*open_memory)(const ALubyte *data, ALuint length), ALboolean (*get_format)(void *instance, ALenum *format, ALuint *samplerate, ALuint *blocksize), ALuint (*decode)(void *instance, ALubyte *data, ALuint bytes), ALboolean (*rewind)(void *instance), void (*close)(void *instance) )
Pauses the specified source ID, and any associated stream.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alurePauseSource( ALuint source )
Plays the specified source ID and watches for it to stop.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alurePlaySource( ALuint source, void (*callback)(void *userdata, ALuint source), void * userdata )
Starts playing a stream, using the specified source ID.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alurePlaySourceStream( ALuint source, alureStream * stream, ALsizei numBufs, ALsizei loopcount, void (*eos_callback)(void *userdata, ALuint source), void * userdata )
Resumes the specified source ID after being paused.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureResumeSource( ALuint source )
Rewinds the stream so that the next alureBufferDataFromStream call will restart from the beginning of the audio file.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureRewindStream( alureStream * stream )
Provides callbacks for alternative methods to handle file I/O.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureSetIOCallbacks( void * (*open)(const char *filename, ALuint mode), void (*close)(void *handle), ALsizei (*read)(void *handle, ALubyte *buf, ALuint bytes), ALsizei (*write)(void *handle, const ALubyte *buf, ALuint bytes), alureInt64 (*seek)(void *handle, alureInt64 offset, int whence) )
Skips the module decoder to the specified order, so following buffering calls will decode from the specified order.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureSetStreamOrder( alureStream * stream, ALuint order )
Specifies the patchset to use for MIDI streams.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureSetStreamPatchset( alureStream * stream, const ALchar * patchset )
Destroys the current context and closes its associated device.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureShutdownDevice( void )
Rests the calling thread for the given number of seconds.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureSleep( ALfloat duration )
Stops the specified source ID, and any associated stream.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureStopSource( ALuint source, ALboolean run_callback )
Specifies if the chunk size value given to the alureCreateStream functions is in bytes (default) or microseconds.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureStreamSizeIsMicroSec( ALboolean useUS )
Updates the running list of streams, and checks for stopped sources.
ALURE_API void ALURE_APIENTRY alureUpdate( void )
Sets up a timer or thread to automatically call alureUpdate at the given interval, in seconds.
ALURE_API ALboolean ALURE_APIENTRY alureUpdateInterval( ALfloat interval )